Adding a service
- Generally some of the companies will provide the services to the products such as transportation, fabrication, installation etc...
- This is provided by the company to attract the customers.
Service Details
- The sort order is used for sorting the service in the list of services that are provided by company.
- For every service there will a specific name and it should be entered in the name column.
- The SKU is also given to the service for the easy identification of the service.
- The Basic UOM is given because the service will be provided according to the measurement of the products.
- The service category is used to give the service for the particular category of products depending upon the company policies.
- The service type is used to mention which type of service will be provided for that product category.
- The sales/Income Account is used to mention, which account should be affected for the income got from the service.
- The preferred vendor is used for giving the details of the particular vendor who can do that service.
- Avg.Est.Unit Cost is used for giving and estimation of price for that service.
- Purchasing/Expense Account is used to pay for the service to that vendor who has done the thing.
- Some of services will be taxable, so for that purpose the checkbox is created.
Selling Price
This field is used to mention the different prices list for a single service. I.e., the price will be given for Fabricator, Regular Customer at a different prices.
These are some of the instructions given to the customer about the service.
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